Life without Alcohol – My Journey from the Beginning

A No Holds Barred breakdown of my life and how I am trying to remove my demons to lead a sober life

200 (+4)

Bit late but was going to write this page on the 200th day but work and life got in the way as usual, going to change the style of the blogs too, been too serious in the previous write ups so after reading one of my twitter fam’s blogs who is going through the same I am going to chill out a bit.

Still cannot believe it’s 200 (+4) since I stopped drinking and changed my life forever, didn’t think I could do it I’ve lapsed before a long time ago but I’m over 6 months in and don’t regret it.

Decided about 5 weeks ago to try the alcohol free stuff, only so much coke and lemonade you can drink, wasn’t an easy decision but one of the footy away days (well a home game) I thought I’ll do some alcohol free bottles, only a few see what they were like then I thought no what if I go through all the pains again but google is a wonderful thing sometimes so Stella alcohol free it was. Wonder how they do it because it tasted the same but no alcohol in it, so this was it give it a few days see how I felt hoping hospital wasn’t happening again, 5 weeks later everything is okay and apart from the headaches I get sometimes with it it’s great to still be sober after a few bottles while my mates are falling all over the place.

Anyway as I write 40 working days to go then I can enjoy life even more, so much to look forward to and do which 204 days ago probably wouldn’t have happened, the support I have had as been amazing still and I can’t thank my friends and family enough, here’s to 250 days and closer to 1 year.

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