Life without Alcohol – My Journey from the Beginning

A No Holds Barred breakdown of my life and how I am trying to remove my demons to lead a sober life

Short & Sweet – My First Experience in the Real World

Even though I am still off work recovering from my health issues (hopefully going back in three weeks) and sort of still getting my strength back, (the first 3 weeks were the worst I couldn’t even walk 30 yards) and even now five weeks on I still struggle with my breathing walking distances but it’s the only way by getting out I am going to get back to how I was healthwise, my inhalers for my COPD do help me gain my breath back quickly. I could sit at home every day but that wouldn’t help me a lot getting stronger so I do go out locally for exercise and do the basic things like shopping (can’t leave it all to my wife who has been a great help to me). I also catch up with my friends who have been there for me recently. Orange and Lemonade or Coke is my new fav go to drink and the money I am saving so far as gone on things for the house, got to admit I didn’t realise how much I was spending on the social side of things, weekends used to be easily £200 spends now Im lucky if I spend £20 although I’m not out nowhere near as much as I used to be pre hospital days in December for a few reasons, I’m still off work, I’m still recovering and I’m happier being at home rather than like I used to be being out and active all the time, it feels like going back into lockdown again for me but on a better footing on the good side. I still have the hard work to do like going back into the working world, I will be going back on phased return for a month but it’s my call if I feel up to going back in three weeks (at the moment I do) the choice is down to me, also I am still under the hospital for more tests and the dreaded camera down my throat but it’s got to be done.

I’ve added to my things to help me alongside the app on my phone and this blog, Im now reading a book called ‘The Sober Diaries’ by a woman who is now 7 years sober and documented her recovery and things she struggled with.

Still got a few challenges to deal with once I’m back on my feet and one of those is playing League Darts again but sober now rather than a few beers inside me. I have my own set up in my dart cave at home so have been having a few throws but it does feel strange, I was shaking quite a lot and it wasn’t the cold either. My next step is going back to throwing with my team in the pub and people watching me also loads of alcohol surrounding me, I do know I have the mental strength to deal with that though like I have said it doesn’t even bother me.

Football ‘away’ days are another thing I have got to get used to, watching Barnsley sober, it’s bad enough watching with a few beers inside you so this will be torture even though at the moment we are doing well. I will still be meeting my mates in the pub pre match but probably coming straight back home after the game (something totally new to me).

Got to admit even though it’s early days I am finding it easy to not even think about booze and even when I’m back out there if I get asked if I want a pint it will be easy to say NO get me a coke or orange and lemonade. I don’t even think about alcohol anymore except when I am writing about it in this blog which four weeks after starting my first post and this is now my tenth blog it as received over 100 views and over 60 visitors / readers. I didn’t expect anything like this thinking nobody will read this thinking oh it’s just somebody talking crap!!!!


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